
Celebrating National Volunteer Month: Spotlight on Axcelerators in Action

April is National Volunteer Month, a time dedicated to recognizing the invaluable contributions of volunteers and celebrating their impact on communities. At Axient, we take great pride in fostering a culture of volunteerism among our employees, empowering them to make a difference beyond the workplace. As we commemorate this month, we shine a spotlight on the remarkable efforts of several of our team members who dedicate their time and talents to various causes close to their hearts.
“With Axcelerators in Action, we recognize that fostering a culture of volunteerism isn’t just about giving back; it’s about creating a profound connection between our employees and the communities they serve. Encouraging our team to volunteer not only enriches their lives, but also empowers them to make a tangible difference where it matters most. Together, we’re not just shaping a better company; we’re building brighter futures for all.” – Nancy Foor, Axient’s Community Engagement Coordinator
Let’s take a closer look at some of the inspiring stories shared by our employees:
Employee Spotlights:
Mark J. – SE&I Manufacturing Engineering Lead
Volunteer Organization: Santa Clarita Speed Skating Club
Role: Volunteer Coach
Community Impact: Mark’s dedication to coaching young skaters not only fosters a love for the sport but also instills valuable life lessons of discipline and perseverance.
“I am passionate about passing on my knowledge of speed skating to the next generation and instilling the values of hard work and discipline that have helped me in both my educational and professional pursuits… I learned as a teenager that serving others is not only healthy for me and my family but helps build the community in which I live, creating a more full and less self-centered life.”
Darlene M. – Stand-in Weapons Support
Volunteer Organization: Fort Walton Beach Community Chorus
Role: President
Community Impact: Darlene’s leadership in the chorus brings together the community through the power of music while supporting scholarships for aspiring musicians.
“Volunteering is a great way to connect to people, make friends and most importantly have a positive impact on others. We have such camaraderie.  Sometimes we sing with local elementary schools.   The directors said they call us the “Old People Choir” and always want to know when they get to sing with us again.”
Sharnik I. – Sr. Pricing Analyst
Volunteer Organization: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Omega Mu Zeta Chapter
Role: Member
Community Impact: Sharnik’s involvement in her sorority exemplifies the spirit of service, providing support to various charitable initiatives and scholarships for students.
“In addition to distributing over $10,000 in scholarships to deserving students of Middlesex County each year, we support national charitable initiatives such as March of Dimes, The American Cancer Society, Habitat for Humanity and St. Jude. I’m an introvert, so volunteering takes me out of my comfort zone while being of service to others. I also keep an eye out for other ways our organization can be help to the community. If you assume that someone else will take on the responsibility [to volunteer], the immediate needs of your community would never be met.
Keafen S. – Joint Analysis Team
Volunteer Organizations: Battle of the Buffalo, Bill Hallum Memorial Golf Tournament, Church Small Groups
Role: Volunteer and Organizer
Community Impact: Keafen’s commitment to various initiatives, from cancer research fundraising to supporting addiction recovery, reflects his dedication to making a positive impact in his community.
“Volunteering has been a part of my life since I was little. My dear mother would always give the shirt off her back for anyone who needed it. From her example, it has always been engraved in my heart to lend a hand to anyone in need. When I am encouraging someone to come and volunteer, I always tell them “Just come and see.” Just come and see how great you feel after lending a hand. Just come and see how the things you take for granted are your biggest blessing. Just come and see how loving others can make the world a better place!”
Jessica H. – Spacecraft Operations Engineer
Volunteer Organizations: Polar Plunge for Special Olympics of Maryland
Role: Active Participant
Community Impact: Jessica’s commitment and engagement in volunteering showcases her dedication to personal growth and community involvement.
“I love doing charity work and the Polar Bear plunge is truly a great event. I love giving back to the community because I was taught as a child to be caring and giving and I like that Axient strives to support those who give back to the community!”
As we reflect on the stories of these remarkable individuals, we are reminded of the profound impact that volunteerism can have, not only on the lives of those served but also on the volunteers themselves. Their selfless actions embody the core values of Axcelerators, inspiring us all to strive for a brighter, more compassionate world.
Join us in applauding our employees for their commitment to making a difference and in celebrating the spirit of volunteerism during National Volunteers Month and beyond. Together, let’s continue to build a legacy of service and kindness in our communities.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all volunteers, both within Axient and beyond, for their immeasurable dedication to creating positive change. Your efforts truly make the world a better place.
Thank you for being an Axcelerator in Action!